12 to 21 May 2016
In the Theatre Upstairs
Broken Glass
by Arthur Miller
directed by Jerry Lyne
New Venture Theatre presents a Brighton Premiere of this Moving Olivier Award Winning Drama. Sylvia Gellburg is stricken by a mysterious paralysis for which her doctor can find no cause. He realises she is obsessed by the news from Germany. It’s 1938. The Kristallnacht. However it’s what he learns of her relationship with her husband that crystallises the two seemingly unrelated situations. This powerful drama holds you from the start.
Cast and NVT Director with renowned Director David Thacker at a rehearsal of NVT’s production of Broken Glass. He is currently Artistic Director at Bolton Octagon Theatre, and former Royal National Theatre and Young Vic Artistic Director.
David Thacker worked in close collaboration with Arthur Miller on Broken Glass and directed the premier at the Royal National Theatre in 1994.
Production Photos